Paul has been writing music and poetry since his early 20's. His style reflects influences such as The Beatles, John Lennon, Neil Young, and Graham Nash, with emphasis on heartfelt, interesting and relatable lyrics. Keeping the message simple, and delivering it with soulful intention.
Paul has performed in the Philadelphia region for many years - on stage, in front of the camera, and behind the scenes. Favorite roles include Atticus in To Kill A Mockingbird, Lindsay in Mame, starring Andrea McArdle (Media Theatre), and Curt in Don't Talk To The Actors, written and directed by nationally recognized playwright Tom Dudzick (Montgomery Theater). Favorite directing experiences were Rumors by Neil Simon, and Making God Laugh by Sean Grennan. Paul has appeared in numerous commercial endeavors, most notably as National Spokesperson for Citizens Disability. As a Stage Manager at Montgomery Theater, he has had the pleasure of working on many wonderful productions with the areas finest professional actors, directors, and choreographers such as Tom Quinn, Tony Braithwaite, Stephen Casey, Marcia Saunders, Leonard Haas, and Pete Pryor, just to name a few.